2011년 9월 11일 일요일

명동성당 - Myeongdong Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of the Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Myeongdong, commonly known as Myeongdong Cathedral, is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Seoul, South Korea, located in the Myeongdong neighborhood of Jung-gu, Seoul. It is a neighborhood landmark and a symbol of Christianity in Korea and of political dissidents.

The cathedral is one of the earliest examples of Gothic Revival architecture in Korea, although lacking exterior ornamentation. It was constructed of twenty types of locally fired red and gray bricks. The main building rises to 23m high while the steeple, which contains a clock, rises to 45m. It was designated National Historic Site #258 on November 22, 1977.

history of Myeongdong Cathedral

Christianity was heavily persecuted in Joseon era Korea. Still, interest in it grew as an academic novelty, notably among members of the Silhak (실학; "practical learning") school, attracted to what they saw as its egalitarian values. Catholicism gained ground as a belief in the 19th century through the work of French missionaries, the persecutions of whom led to an 1866 invasion by France.

After Joseon concluded of a commercial treaty with United States in 1882, Bishop Jean M. Blanc, Bishop of Korea, sought land to build a mission. Under the name Kim Gamilo, he acquired a vacant lot on Jonghyeon (Chong-Hyen), meaning "Bell Hill"; due to its proximity to a temple, Koreans had declined to build there. An education center was constructed, and plans to build a church placed under the supervision of French priest Eugene Coste at the conclusion of a commercial treaty between Korea and France in 1887.

서울특별시 중구 명동2가에 있는 대한민국의 대표적인 로마 가톨릭 주교좌 성당이다. 한국에서 처음으로 지어진 대규모의 고딕 양식 교회 건물이자, 한국 최초의 본당(사제가 상주하며 지역 신자들을 사목하는 성당이다.

명동성당은 서울대교구의 교구장인 서울대주교의 주교좌가 있는 주교좌 성당으로, 현재 교구장은 1998년 서울대교구장에 착좌한 정진석 추기경이며, 본당 주임은 여형구 신부이다. 주보성인은 '원죄 없이 잉태되신 복되신 동정 마리아'다. 주변에 가톨릭 회관, 성 바오로 서원, 다양한 문화시설 등이 있다.

2009년 외벽 벽돌 보수공사가 이뤄졌다.

Emperor Gojong held the ceremony of laying the first stone on August 5, 1892, and construction funds donated by Paris Mission Society. Construction cost around US$60,000. However, because of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the subsequent death of Fr. Coste, the inauguration of the cathedral was postponed until May 29, 1898, when it was finally dedicated and consecrated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. At its construction, it was the largest building in Seoul.

In 1900 the relics of the Korean Martyrs who died in the 1866 persecution were moved to its crypt from the seminary in Yongsan-gu.

1883년 조선교구는 종현지역(현재의 명동성당 자리)의 저택과 대지를 구입하여 신학생 교육을 위한 공간으로 이용하였다. 이후 저택을 허문 뒤 1892년 8월 5일 기공식을 갖고 공사를 시작했다. 프랑스에서 온 유진 코스트 신부가 교회의 설계와 공사 감독을 맡았으나 1896년 사망한 뒤 프와넬 신부가 남은 공사를 마무리 해 1898년 5월 29일 공사를 완료하고 성당 축성식을 열었다. 원래 이름은 종현성당이었으나 1945년에 명동성당으로 이름이 바뀌었다. 1980년대에는 민주화 운동에 관련된 수배자나 시위대가 전두환 군사독재정권의 탄압을 피해 명동성당으로 모여들어 민주화 운동의 성지로 인식되기도 하였다.

11th sep 2011, after rain at Myeongdong Cathedral. 9월11일 명동성당에서 날씨 매우 흐렷음 .

추석전날이라 카톨릭을 믿는 수많은 필리핀인들이 모였다. 감짝 놀랐다는 -ㅁ-; before the day korea holiday "Chuseok"(Korean Thanksgiving Day), we met lots of a Filipino,and Filipina.
The initial name of Jonghyeon Cathedral (종현성당, 鐘峴聖堂), was replaced by Catholic Church (천주교회 天主敎會) during Korea under Japanese rule. It was later changed to commemorate the 1945 liberation from Imperial Japan into the present Myeongdong Cathedral.

보다시피 날씨 매우 우중충 했음. 비가 올락말락 -_-;; 며칠동안 이랬다.지못미 ㅋㅋ OMG, The weather makes me so sad.ㅜ_ㅜ

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